Background: In the peaceful world of Zoomaria, the inhabitants are visited by a strange and mysterious object known as Umber. As the native Zoom-Bees harvest its rich resources they are attacked by a highly advanced race of interlopers, the Whasp. Help the Zoom-Bees grow their society by collecting nectar from the Umber, reinforcing their warriors, and fight for their homeland.

How to Play: Grow your population of ZoomBees. Gain Umber from the crystal with Workers. Fight the wasps with warriors. Watch your hive health. Your hive loses if it reaches zero. You win if you defeat the wasp.

Theme: Build to Scale. Everything is built grayscale. Bee hive grows with your population. Wasp shrinks as you attack it. The crystal shrinks as you extract resources. The bees are so tiny yet defeat the Giant Wasp enemy!

First Game: First game developed by a husband and wife team using Godot. This GMTK Game Jam helped us to make something together for which we're so happy!

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